Homeostasis refers to an ideal regulated value or level. In the case of glutathione, our cell’s objective is to maintain glutathione at this optimal level at all times. As efficient as our cells are in doing so, our glutathione levels can still drop below optimal. This is because, as we age or with ill health, the homeostatic level decreases. In other words, our glutathione requirements remain the same, but the cells stop producing it in the quantities needed because homeostasis has been reached, but it is now too low to protect oxidative stress

Picture another fundamental homeostatic level that is tightly controlled: Our body temperature. Fortunately, this normal level, around 98.6°F or 36.8°C, is constant throughout our lives. It never changes. The normal level of glutathione, as set by our cells, however, does change. It decreases with age or ill health even though we need the same amount of glutathione throughout our lives. It is akin to our body temperature slowly dropping as we age to levels which are not sustainable. It is therefore essential for health and longevity that we increase glutathione above this decreasing homeostatic level.